me, pooh, brobee, and Paisley ( her second one!) this one was more difficult than it should have been. the drive up was great! we saw Amish (tried to photo them but they are fast and to sly for us to snatch a pic of them) and the roads were much much better (straighter). plus the rain was coming in that afternoon so we had this one whooped. however when we got there we saw the park on or left and the sign on the side of the road boasting of the high point and a nice trail head. so we jump out and head down the trail. but we get to the end and it was something else. it was a sight where a father killed one of his sons and hid his body in a deep crack in a rock out cropping. ok.....well...... back to the car stat......wait go back to the park....... no lets go down the road further......wait, I see a sign that says high pt trail. (in hind sight we should have gone down the road further). we turned a super easy .10 mile hike into more than 2.2 mile hike! we got lost and the trail kept getting smaller and smaller, sure to get ticks, paze had never been on a hike like this, if buddy knew where paze was he would call us stupid. plus a huge owl scared the socks off of pooh and she got blisters on both feet. So I gave her my socks and I got a blister on one of my feet. you should have seen us pop out of the woods to see a sign that has an arrow to the right for a freaking parking lot and high pt. to the left. but when we got back to the park and our car, we had the best picnic ever. who knew PA had gnats like Bainbridge Ga! good trip.....then pooh says lets hit MD's backbone mt!

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