Black Mountain, Kentucky
4,145 Feet
dec. 29th 2006
this one was a beast. we scooted around ky. in pooh's jetta this trip and this "drive up " was too much for a vwub. we got up early friday morning to get a jump on the day and got to the mt. before the sun came up. We forgot about the snow and ice! the jetta couldn't make it up the first incline, freakin poohster out being in ice. so we hoofed it! not so bad we love hiking in the snow. as the sun came up it hit the snow and it twinkled like a movie. we giggled and talked and threw snow at each other, I love our snow hikes. we saw the FAA tower and then ky threw up on its highest peak. this is one of the yuckiest highest peaks. radio towers, a busted fire tower, not even the snow made it any better. I am glad we got to hike up that was the best part, just driving up ='s blahhhhh.

the one lane road

poohster looking down on ky.

me and pooh bagging another peak!

was that a bear?

poor nugglet had to stay behind